Foundry in gravity shell

With the fusion in gravity shell is possible to get a good level of superficial finish with precise dimensions of the throws and speed of cooling that allow a great superficial hardness. Besides the fusions in shell offer products with a good resistance to the corrosion and the heat oxidation, a strong mechanical resistance and to the usury.

The Fonderia Pietro Possani has acquired a vast experience in the gravity fusion and it proposes him on the market as specialized firm for the supply of throws in aluminum with elevated mechanical characteristics.

    -- Aluminium AL 47000  ( AlSi12 Cu) (UNI 7369/2)
    -- Aluminium AL 44100  ( GAlSi13) ( UNI 14514 )
    -- Other alloys on consumer's request

Some samples of our production:

Pipelines connection flanges
Pneumatic valves
Angle blocks for shelter's ancorage
Stirrups fixing for angles blocks

The raw materials are chosen with care, guaranteeing therefore an elevated quality of the ended product.

Aluminium Castings Gallery

Fonderia Pietro Possani & C. di Natale Possani - Via Risorgimento 9/11 20017 Rho (Mi)  Tel:02.93900906 - Fax:02.93900936 -